US Investors

"Countries in Sub-Saharan Africa have weathered the global crisis better than expected…The region appears to be staging a robust recovery."
-The World Bank, 2011

Why should you consider Africa?

In the ten years from 2000 to 2010, six of the world's ten fastest-growing countries were in sub-Saharan Africa: Angola, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Chad, Mozambique, and Rwanda.

In eight of the past ten years, sub-Saharan Africa has grown faster than Asia, according to The Economist.

In 2012, the International Monetary Fund expects Africa to grow at a rate of 6%, about the same as Asia.

There are over 1.02 billion people in Africa, the world's second most-populous and second-largestcontinent, after Asia. Africa produces 90% of the world’s cobalt and platinum, 50% of its gold, 98% of its chromium, 70% of its tantalite, 64% of its manganese and one-third of its uranium.

Those are a few reasons why we believe you should consider Africa.

Why the CEMAC region of Africa? What is CEMAC?

CEMAC is one of the most economically promising regions of Africa.It regroups Cameroon, the Central Africa Republic, Chad, Equatorial Guinea, Congo and Gabon for a market of 42.8 million and $89 billion GDP in 2011.

All six countries of CEMAC recorded growth in 2010 and 2011, three posting a GDP growth rate of over 5%. Five out of the six countries are oil exporters with Equatorial Guinea being Sub-Saharan Africa's third largest, behind Nigeria and Angola.

Reforms that have been undergoing for a decade are creating a dramatically improved business environment. The six countries share a common currency, the CFA franc, a common central bank, the BEAC and common financial supervisory authorities – the COBAC and COSUMAF-- and unified commerce and business laws. The $ franc is fully convertible; it is pegged to the Euro at a fixed rate of 1 Euro for 659.2980 CFA.)

CEMAC borders the vast and mineral rich Democratic Republic of Congo. The Democratic Republic of the Congo alone has 70% of the world’s columbite-tantalite or coltan, which is used in almost every cell phones, laptops, pagers and many other electronics, and more than 30% of the world’s diamond reserves.

Why work with Artemis Financial?

Artemis Financial is the only place offering U.S. investors straight access to investment opportunities of one of the last truly undiscovered markets in the world, the CEMAC region of Africa. CEMAC has well established companies, with strong record of healthy earnings, seeking funding to growth beyond regional borders and join the global economy.

We will present carefully selected investment opportunities to you in ways and format that are easy to grasp and do not require familiarity with Africa. And we stand by you during the life of your investment through our research report and notes.

Our executives are U.S. trained, with in-depth and hands-on experience of both the US, Emerging countries and Africa. They have track records of success in investment banking, banking, securities brokerage, investment management in both the USA and/or Africa.

Any requirements?

There are no particular requirements for institutional investors to invest through us. They simply need to register so that we can present our best investment opportunities to you as they occur, IPO, private placements, bond offerings, debt and others.

If you are an individual, you will need to register and to be Accredited Investor. To verify that you are an Accredited Investor or should you have any question about your status click here.