Registering your business

"Countries in Sub-Saharan Africa have weathered the global crisis better than expected…The region appears to be staging a robust recovery."
-The World Bank, 2011

If you believe that your company fits this description, you need to follow this simple procedure.

Step 1, Register your business with Artemis Financial : For instructions on registering, click here.

Step 2, Preliminary evaluation of your business: Once you are registered, we will perform an evaluation of your business, the investment opportunity it represents and give you our opinion of where you stand and what you can expect from investors. In this step we discuss and review with you your business as an investment opportunities, its financial condition, its management team, and reasons for seeking capital and the return and exit strategies available to potential investors and decide together if we should go forward. If so, we move to the next step.

Step 3, In-depth analysis of your business : We perform in-depth research and analysis about your business strategy, financial history, management, growth objectives, products, industry, markets, competitive forces, and capital requirements.

Step 4, Investor Package: We perform the appropriate due diligence and determine the actual funding needs and the most appropriate structure for the transaction. After your final funding needs are determined, we will actively work in structuring the transaction, determine an offering price attractive to global investors. This step is performed with intensive participation of partners, accounting firms, lawyers and other professionals for their insights and independence.

Offering materials such the offering memorandum and all other related documents are prepared and put in print, multimedia and digital format.

Step 5, Marketing your company : We will then bring your company on the road, presenting it to investors with the purpose of achieving the best possible understanding of your business and of your plans. All information necessary for their informed decision of participating in funding your company is made available to them. This includes offering memorandum, a detailed presentation of your products or services, virtual meeting with potential investors. In this phase you may choose to make your case personally to investors, live online, and answer their questions. Our road show takes place online live and is available through telephone cast. Archive and slide presentations copies are available to investors for their review at their convenience.

Step 6, Closing the deal : Assuming sufficient investor interest, we proceed with the closing activities and process legal documentation to complete the transfer of funds to your company in a speedy manner. Artemis Financial may seek to co-manage the deal with other firms.

Step 7, Support Services : Once you receive the financing, we provide a framework to help you disclose relevant information on a quarterly and annual basis to investors . As part of our commitment to a long-term relationship, you'll find us always available to assist you with ongoing advisory services.

As evidenced above our process is simple and cost effective.

Artemis Financial receives a 2% to 7% management fee and a share of the syndicated portion of each deal corresponding to its participation. This cost could vary with the regulation in force in country in which the company is located. A non-refundable payment of CFA 5,000,000 is required within 30 days of signing up and is applicable to the management fee mentioned before.